Overcoming Self-Doubt

The Make Lemonade Community is made up of radically unique, awesome, and genuine people. Meet one of the ‘lemons’:

Hillary Lane (she/they)

🔗 Hillary Lane Real Estate + LinkedIn
⭐️ @hillary.lane

What do you do and why do you do it?
I'm a realtor in Toronto and the GTA. I co-own Focus Construction a renovation and new home building company with my husband. I always knew I would end up in a profession where I was helping people, but for a long time, I was sure it was going to be a career in medicine. I found myself here after falling in love with flipping homes and really taking to the strategic and creative elements involved in real estate and renovations. I thrive on helping people. It energizes me that my job changes daily and there are always new challenges. I love that real estate and renovations are the perfect combination of guiding/empowering clients to make the best possible decisions for themselves and their business/strategy. It's not where I thought I would find myself but I'm really glad to be here.

Tell us about a time that life handed you lemons. Did you make lemonade?
I've been dealt a pretty challenging hand in terms of my health issues. While I didn't always immediately find the silver linings (particularly when things were hard and caused me to have a different course or experience than my peers), I have always strived to come to a place of gratitude and pay it forward. Because of what I've been through I've developed resilience, persistence and compassion. I wouldn't trade those lessons for a clean bill of health.

What's the best piece of business advice you were given?
Get comfortable with failure. The fear of it will hurt and hold you back more than failing actually ever will. There are so many lessons and opportunities that come out of each mistake and failed attempt. I love that this challenges assumptions of the path to success and promotes resilience. My default is perfectionism so this was and still can be a huge challenge for me but I believe it's crucial to happiness and success.

What does success look like, feel like, taste like, and mean to you? How do YOU measure success?
I believe success means creating a life and network that fulfils you. For me, that includes an engaging and challenging career that affords me the security to take care of my health, have peace of mind and the opportunity for travel, leisure and meaningful time with family and friends. An essential part of continually striving for success is also investing in personal development that brings me closer to the person I want to be and the people I love. I don't think success is a target that you reach and you're done. It's something to be crafted and nurtured for the rest of your life.

Do you have a quote or saying that inspires you? What is it?
My two favourites are "count your stars" and "this too shall pass". They aren't necessarily about motivation but gratitude and resilience will help you weather any storm.

Do you ever have moments of self-doubt? What do you do to overcome it?
Of course! I try not to dwell on them and challenge the assumptions or lines of thinking that are leading me there. If it's a day where it's particularly challenging then I try not to engage with negative thoughts or make big decisions. If it's a day where I can work with the self-doubt then I try to find alternatives that better suit what I'm striving for and who I'm striving to be. Meditation and exercise are also really helpful to reset and feel empowered. I also like listening/reading/following folks who talk about mindset, inspiration and striving that I resonate with.

What's on your bucket list?
Travelling more is definitely at the top. No specific list or set of destinations but seeing and doing as much as possible. After that, I'd like to compete at a major poker tournament, write the novel I've been mulling over for years and learn to sculpt.

What do you love most about yourself?
I'm not sure if it's what I love the most but something that I really love about myself is how my mind works. I'm quite cerebral, analytical and creative so when there's a problem I thrive on figuring out different ways to a solution. I think it also allows me to take a step back and approach situations and challenges from different perspectives rather than reacting.

How does community play a role in your success?
I think it's really important to be around people who are also looking to grow, learn and support. I'm really fortunate to have a partner, family and friends who are very encouraging and also striving to evolve. Having a professional network of inspiring, intelligent and creative folks who are of the same mindset is an essential piece to pushing forward and dreaming big. I've been really lucky to have met some pretty incredible people through communities like Make Lemonade, volunteer groups, etc.


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